Unbreakable Were
Supernatural Beast
The First Beast
Prince of Kings
A True Mutt
Nature's Workaround
New Pack Leader
The Old Hybrids
Way of the Spirits
Heaven's Thoughts
Way of the Gods
A Sky full of Stars
Endless Knowledge
Bent Commandments
Ubiquitous Magic
The Source of Magic
The Original Magic
Casual Transcendence
Generations of Magic
No Holds Barred
Broken Promises
Holy Ghost Orchids
Promises Kept
Heaven's Favor
Hell's Demise
Walking Dreams
Reality Crumbles
Siphon/Vampire Ancestor
All In Control
Adaptive Fox
Perfect Mimic
1,000 Miles
Mother Nature Speaks
The Forests of Wild
Mystic Fields
Life Force/Balanced
The Stars, The Moon
New Magic
No Spells Here
Here's a Boost
A Master Builder
Holes to Heavens
Guardians of Lore
Cosmic Artistry